ALL OF THE BELOW AUDIO/VIDEO FILES ARE © copyright of the holder.
NOTE: All audio and video files available on this site are for personal use only.
My Morning with Messiaen - Les oiseaux et les sources
(Messe de la Pentecôte)
Organist Timothy Hagy has made a video recording of Les oiseaux et les sources (Messe de la Pentecôte) with an introduction describing meeting Messiaen on Easter of 1982, that contains several old photos.
© Timothy Hagy

© Timothy Hagy

Rich Kass interprets the song of the Skylark on the Drum Set.
Rich Kass is a freelance drummer known for his highly individual and original approach to drumming and the drum set. He has developed a melodic sensibility coupled with rhythmic virtuosity and tonal colour creating great subtlety of expression on the drum set.
Here is Messiaen : Petites esquisses d'oiseaux : VI L'alouette des champs The Skylark· Yvonne Loriod, piano. There is much rhythmic similarity here especially in the virtuosic two-part writing, and repeated short cells.
‘Skylark’ This piece is my attempt to pay homage to the Eurasian Skylark - a bird whose song has inspired me on many country walks in recent years. For this performance I have transcribed a field recording of a skylark singing and have tried to use my drumset as a kind of sonic mirror - reflecting and refracting some new colours whilst striving to maintain the integrity of the original song. I haven’t edited the skylark song at all, and am attempting to match its phrasing verbatim. I completed the piece in springtime this year(2024), and premiered it at Kings Place, London as part of a concert with Trio HLK and Evelyn Glennie. This is the 6th installment in a series of videos I have made under the name ‘Drum Interpretations’. In each I take musical works composed for or on other instruments, and perform them on the drumset. The complete series can be found here In the coming weeks I will release 3 more videos which relate to Skylark bird song. 1 is a drums-only version of the composition (without the bird accompanying) and there are also 2 improvisations based on the source material. All videos will be published on my YouTube channel: Thank you for reading and listening. Rich

Eurasian Skylark
Matthew Schellhorn's special film for the
RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch 2021
For the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch 2021 (29 to 31 January), Matthew Schellhorn produced a special film in collaboration with young artists from across the country. Olivier Messiaen (1908–92) wrote numerous pieces inspired by birdsong. “Le Rouge-gorge” (Robin) comes from a collection written in 1985 called “Petites esquisses d’oiseaux” (Small Bird Sketches) and apart from the Robin features the Blackbird, the Song Thrush and the Skylark. The work was dedicated to the composer’s wife, Yvonne Loriod, with whom Matthew studied in Paris. Special thanks go to the talented pupils of Myatt Garden Primary School for taking part!
©Michel Gueritte
Musicologist Jerzy Stankiewicz speaks at the inauguration of the rue Olivier Messiaen in the town of Toul, France.
Rodrigo De la Prida introduces Messiaen's Modes for Electric Guitar

Find out more here.
There were a few instruments that Messiaen never included in his compositions (saxophone, harp, timpani after the 1930's and guitar are among these) - Rodrigo De la Prida's work opens up the sound world of Messiaen's modes for guitarists with excellent and engaging examples that range from chord and scale work to improvisation. Rodrigo says:
'With already 4 years of intense work, the 7 volumes of the book series about the scales of Olivier Messiaen and their applications on any musical genre, are now available. Just digital for now.
More than 500 pages with 351 licks, guitar studies, arpeggios, atonal chords, triads and tetrads, and examples. This material represents a deep dive into the rich musical universe of the french composer'.
'In this book series for guitar, Rodrigo tackles the exhaustive task of diving into the musical language of Olivier Messiaen, but from an unprejudiced view, where the different types of music coexist.
Messiaen Modes for Electric Guitar aims to be a tool to expand the harmonic and melodic universe of the popular musician, but also a means to the study and deepening of modern language in the contemporary-classical music student as well'.
Here is a short demo of a backing track that comes with the book. © Rodrigo De la Prida
Video trailer for the 1999 Festival Messiaen au Pays de la Meije featuring Gaëtan Puaud, Pierre-Laurent Aimard and Messiaen. © INA.Fr

During the 1973 English Bach Festival in London, Olivier Messiaen and Yvonne Loriod gave a recital at the Queen Elizabeth Hall. Messiaen began by apologising for the way they were dressed. The taxi had gone off with all their luggage. He read the poetic preface to the piano work written three years earlier. Mme Messiaen then performed "La Fauvette des Jardins"
@ 7' 40"
Didier Wampas and Bikini Machine
Olivier Messiaen
Il voyait des couleurs
Que l'on ne voit pas
Et croyait en un Dieu
Auquel on ne croit plus
Olivier Messiaen
Il faisait des mélodies
Que l'on n'entend pas
Et chanter des oiseaux
Que l'on ne connaît plus
Olivier Messiaen
Oui mais grâce à lui
J'ai découvert des mondes
Des regards plein d'amours
Des canyons aux étoiles
Et un Quatuor
Pour la fin des temps
Composé au stalag
Éclairs sur l'au-delà
Saint François d'Assise
Un soir à l'opéra
Olivier Messiaen
Oui mais grâce à lui
J'ai découvert des mondes
Des regards plein d'amours
Des canyons aux étoiles
Oui mais grâce à lui
J'ai découvert des mondes
Des catalogues d'oiseaux
Des canyons aux étoiles
Oui mais grâce à lui
J'ai découvert des mondes
Et le Regard du père
Des canyons aux étoiles
©Didier Wampas
He saw colors
That we don't see
And believed in a God
In which we no longer believe
Olivier Messiaen
He made melodies
That we don't hear
And sing of the birds
That we no longer know
Olivier Messiaen
Yes but thanks to him
I discovered worlds
Gazes full of love
Des canyons aux étoiles
And a Quatuor
Pour la fin des temps
Composed in a Stalag
Éclairs sur l'au-delà
Saint François d’Assisi
An evening at the opera
Olivier Messiaen
Yes but thanks to him
I discovered worlds
Gazes full of love
Des canyons aux étoiles
Yes but thanks to him
I discovered worlds
Catalogue d’oiseaux
Des canyons aux étoiles
Yes but thanks to him
I discovered worlds
And the Regard du père
Des canyons aux étoiles

Historic Recordings of Messiaen by Messiaen. Transfer from original 78rpm records recorded in 1949 of Visions de l'Amen with Yvonne Loriod and recording of OM playing his Quatre Etudes 1951. FMR Records FMRCD 120-L0403. Order via the Contact form.

Atma ACD22219/20
LE COURLIS CENDRE / LE MERLE NOIR / Mozart / Levinas / Gougeon / Mâche
Louise Bessette RCI 650
Claude-Samuel Levine would like to share his playing of movements from the Quatuor pour la Fin du Temps:
using VSTi Synful Orchestra and VSTi Pianoteq, humanly played in Cubase.
Liturgie de Cristal
Vocalise pour l'ange qui annonce la fin du temps
CD and downloads of the complete Quatuor pour la Fin du Temps now available direct from Claude-Samuel here.

After a period of two years work, Claude-Samuel Lévine has produced a version of TurangalilaSymphonie
created entirely by computer software instruments and MIDI (except for 'live' Ondes Martenot played on
the Ondea). This is a detailed interpretation that in no way proposes to 'replace' real musicians, but can provide
an insight into Messiaen's microscopic detail in the work. Further commentaries can be found on
Claude-Samuel's web site as well as audio and visual clips. The CD and DVD are also available to purchase here .

Click here to see and hear Thomas Bloch and Jean-François Zygel perform 4th Feuillet Inedits.

Click here to see and hear Willem Tanke perform Messiaen's organ works.
©Willem Tanke
Nans Bart
Variations sur un thème de Messiaen ((Thème du Final - 10ème Mvt. de la Turangalila-Symphonie))
for Percussion Ensemble here
©Thomas Bloch